Skypro Sponsors Is a unique opportunity for other artists and companies to gain advertising on this site by purchasing a sponsored item below of their choice for the Skypro fursuit box. This exclusive box is only sent to our commissioners but allows you to have advertising on our site and also your flyer exclusively in the box as well! This gives our members A chance to have more swag and you an awesome opportunity for advertising and our heartfelt thank you for your support!
To become a sponsor you will need to meet some criteria. You must have a good track record from your business or company. You can pick one or more items below that you would like to sponsor for a one time fee. You must supply your own banner that will also be reviewed for consideration before purchasing. We will also send you one sample of the item(s) you have purchased as another thank you from us for bring more swag to our boxes!
To become a sponsor you can email us at skyprocommmissions@gmail.com please remember to make the title of your as message “Skypro Sponsor”